How to select right vs. left entirely to resolve multiple conflicts on a single file

I just going through Xcode’s built-in merge feature. And also using Xcode to resolve git conflicts. It’s my first time. I don’t mean FileMerge. I mean Xcode itself.

The only thing is, when it comes to resolving conflicts for pbxproj file, I don’t want to go through selecting 200 conflicts and hit ‘Choose right’ 200 times.

I tried copy/pasting from right over to left, but the 'merge' button didn't become green.

Is there another way to just select the right file (from main branch) entirely with some other Xcode operation? 


Did you find an answer for this?

I'm looking too — I have 1200+ conflicts with this one file I am trying to apply a stash to. I tried to select them all individually (left arrow, down arrow, repeat), but apparently I missed one since it still won't let me apply the changes.