Predicate based On Date

Hey guys,

I'm in the middle of creating an app, and what I need is kinda hard to explain, but this is it:

During a Fetch Request from Core Data, using a predicate I want to only get results are within the beginning of
today (year, month, date, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 ...) the end for the same year, month and date but at hour: 23, minute 59 and second 59. I basically want to see if the date received through the fetch request is in between those two times.

The problem is I can't figure out how to do it.
Can someone please help, I have spent the past two days searching Apple documentation (which needs to be clearer for everyone's sake) and hundreds of forums. The only problem is all the methods are out of date and I can't find a cohesive solution for use in Swift 5 and SwiftUI frameworks.

Thank you.
If you know how to do this, I am literally begging you to answer.
Also if possible how would I be able to do the same thing for a tomorrow based on today from Date().

Code Block
var today = Date()
/*code to get beginning and end of current Date()
Using the beginning of today add time interval: 86400 like below and then get start. From end of today do samething to get end of tomorrow. */
var tomorrow = Date(addingTimeInterval: 86400)

I just can't figure out what the code is to get the Start and End of Today. Also, how would you implement these two times into Predicate during Fetch Request.
Predicate based On Date