Autosized NSViewRepresentables in ScrollView overlap each other (SwiftUI)


I am trying to display items in a ScrollView which contains several autosized NSViewRepresentables. However, it seems the items overlap each other after scrolling or when the size of its parent ScrollView is changed (for an example see my post on SO)

If I've understood correctly, the ScrollView needs to know the height of its items to render it correctly. Therefore, I tried to pass the total height of the each item to its parent ScrollView, however, the items still overlap. I've made a simple example:

Code Block
struct dataItem: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let question: String
let answer: String
let exampleData: [dataItem] = [dataItem(question: "Lorem Ipsum is simply....", answer: "Lorem Ips ange...ker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.") ,
dataItem(question:"The standard ..ranslation by H. Rackham.", answer:"The standard c.... Rackham."),
dataItem(question:"The standard ch...Rackham.", answer:"The stand...kham."),
dataItem(question:"The stand..Rackham.", answer:"The standa...kham."),
dataItem(question:"The stand...ackham.", answer:"The standard ...ham."),
dataItem(question:"The standa..H. Rackham.", answer:"The standard c...ackham."),
dataItem(question:"The st... H. Rackham.", answer:"The standard ch...m.")
struct ContentView: View {
@State var totalHeight: CGFloat = 80
var body: some View {
ScrollViewReader{ scrollView in
LazyVStack {
ForEach(exampleData, id: \.id) { item in
RowView(item: item, totalHeight: $totalHeight)
// The following line makes the ScrollView jitter
// .frame(height: totalHeight)
struct RowView: View {
let item: dataItem
@Binding var totalHeight: CGFloat
@State var optimalHeightQuestionValue: CGFloat = .zero
@State var optimalHeightAnswerValue: CGFloat = .zero
var body: some View{
let optimalHeightQuestion = Binding<CGFloat>(
get: {self.optimalHeightQuestionValue}, set: {
self.optimalHeightQuestionValue = $0
totalHeight = optimalHeightQuestionValue + optimalHeightAnswerValue
let optimalHeightAnswer = Binding<CGFloat>(
get: {self.optimalHeightAnswerValue}, set: {
self.optimalHeightAnswerValue = $0
totalHeight = optimalHeightQuestionValue + optimalHeightAnswerValue
TextViewExt(attributedText: NSAttributedString(string: item.question), optimalHeight: optimalHeightQuestion)
.frame(height: optimalHeightQuestionValue)
TextViewExt(attributedText: NSAttributedString(string: item.answer), optimalHeight: optimalHeightAnswer)
.frame(height: optimalHeightAnswerValue)
struct TextViewExt: NSViewRepresentable {
typealias NSViewType = NSTextView
var attributedText: NSAttributedString
@Binding var optimalHeight: CGFloat
func makeNSView(context: Context) -> NSTextView {
let textView = NSTextView()
textView.backgroundColor = .clear
return textView
func updateNSView(_ nsView: NSTextView, context: Context) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
nsView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
self.optimalHeight = nsView.frame.height

Does anybody know why that's happening? Or is there something wrong with the auto-sizing of the NSTextView?

Thanks a lot for any advise!
Just in case someone is monitoring this, Apple has confirmed this is a bug, see
Autosized NSViewRepresentables in ScrollView overlap each other (SwiftUI)