The trailing navigation bar items are working but the leading ones just do not show up at all. What is the solution?
Seems like working:
Simplified would be welcome, but please include all the information required to run and test it.
Code Block struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationView { MainView() .navigationBarItems(leading: Button(action: {}, label: {Image(systemName: "plus")})) } } } struct MainView: View { var body: some View { VStack { NavigationLink( "To second", destination: SecondView() .navigationBarItems(leading: Text("Leading")) ) Text("MainView") } } } struct SecondView: View { var body: some View { Text("SecondView") } }
When you want some solution about the code which does not run as expected, you should better include the issue-reproducible code.What is the solution?
Simplified would be welcome, but please include all the information required to run and test it.