Network Extension Capability

i am trying to make simple content filter as proof of concept and for debugging i should use real device , when i run the project on device Xcode returns this error "Personal development teams , including 'My Name' do not support Network Extensions Capability" , as i guess i should be an apple developer for not having this error , but is there a way to debugg the project while i am just trying to proof the concept?

Answered by Systems Engineer in 664791022

is there a way to debugg the project while i am just trying to proof the concept?

Not without code signing with the Network Extension capability tied to your Developer Account. See here for more information.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS
Accepted Answer

is there a way to debugg the project while i am just trying to proof the concept?

Not without code signing with the Network Extension capability tied to your Developer Account. See here for more information.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS
Network Extension Capability