About migrating the AppExtension to WebExtension

I am following this doc to migrate AppExtension to WebExtension: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/safari_web_extensions/converting_a_safari_app_extension_to_a_safari_web_extension
Basically I added another WebExtension bundle to my current project and used the SFSafariAppExtensionBundleIdentifiersToReplace key

Everything works fine except one gotcha, If I install the new App on Safari 14, there would be two apps in Safari->Preference menu and two popup icons (one is AppExtension and one is WebExtension).

This issue will go away after I restart Safari, but this still brings some bad user experience.

I am testing this locally as self-signed App. Any one also sees this issue? or has ideas to resolve it?

About migrating the AppExtension to WebExtension