Xcode 12.4 Can't fetch swift packages list.

I'm trying to add a swift package to my swift project. But when the pop-up "Choose Package Repository" opens, no packages are listed. I've tried to use search, etc. Nothing helps the list is always empty.
The system log has the following enrty:

Code Block
com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.mdworker.shared.03000000-0500-0000-0000-000000000000[3008]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[90]

this line appears when i start searching for any package.

Please help.

I am having the same problem. The spinning wheel spins forever.
So, any updates on that?
I've tried with Release and Beta Xcode still no luck.
Just spinning wheel.

Please help.
Xcode 12.4 Can't fetch swift packages list.