NSWindowController make full screen back ground blurry

Hello, I have a NSWindowController that once open I want the rest of the desktop area to be blurry and un-usable. So just my window can be used.
What should I be researching, my google-foo seems to be lacking in asking the right question. Also, this is Obj-C.


What you can probably do is create a window which is full screen size, give it a semi transparent background and declare it as non sizeable.

You will have then to keep your other windows on top. That would give the impression that desktop is blurred (until you quit your app or switch to another one of course).

But I don't think it is possible to blur the screen background itself.

May I ask: why do you want such an intrusive and, at first sight, not user friendly, feature ?
Its an in house app for new employees. We want them to fill out the app before doing anything on the system.
Did you try the workaround I proposed ?