What is the difference between Form and VStack in SwiftUI?

Hi! In SwiftUI, what is the difference between Form and other containers, such as VStack?
I saw some examples of using Form to allow users to input data, but still wasn't able to tell what will be the difference if I use VStack instead.
Can you tell me the difference?
Thank you!

Accepted Reply

You can try it for yourself.

Run these two bits of code and you will see the difference:
Code Block Swift
Form {
Text("I’m in a Form")
Button("Tap Me!") {
print("Button tapped")
Code Block Swift
VStack {
Text("I’m in a VStack")
Button("Tap Me!") {
print("Button tapped")

A Form places the views in a List with an InsetGroupedListStyle (iOS).
It is just a container that is platform-adaptive that shows a form.

A VStack just places the views vertically: above and below each other.

Check the documentation for Form and VStack for more detail.


You can try it for yourself.

Run these two bits of code and you will see the difference:
Code Block Swift
Form {
Text("I’m in a Form")
Button("Tap Me!") {
print("Button tapped")
Code Block Swift
VStack {
Text("I’m in a VStack")
Button("Tap Me!") {
print("Button tapped")

A Form places the views in a List with an InsetGroupedListStyle (iOS).
It is just a container that is platform-adaptive that shows a form.

A VStack just places the views vertically: above and below each other.

Check the documentation for Form and VStack for more detail.
Thank you! BabyJ.