stuck in "install additional required components" loop after open Xcode

When Opening Xcode, I am presented with a dialog box:

"Install additional required components? Xcode requires additional components to support running and debugging. Choose install to add required components"

If I select "Install"

I'm presented with dialog "Xcode wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this."

When I authenticate, The dialog show "installing components"

First dialog show again after the installation is complete.

i try use commandline way to install required components is:

Code Block
/Applications/ -installComponents

First dialog show again.

the difference is terminal returns after installation is complete:

Code Block
Killed: 9

Anyone having the same problem? And perhaps a solution?

Hi, Could you fix this issue? I am having the same problem. Thank you in advance

stuck in "install additional required components" loop after open Xcode