WidgetKit - macOS don't run IntentHandler

Hi I have same code for IntentHandler for iOS and macOS. On iOS works perfectly on macOS not at all. In WidgetKit simulator I even see option to configure the widget so it load the .intentdefinition file.
I also checked that IntentHandler and all required files (CoreData model etc) are in the target for both macOS, widget and Intent.
When try to edit the Widget I get - No options were provided for this parameter. Also I tried to remove all same App from macOs, cleaned Derived data.


My implementation of Intent
Code Block swift
import Intents
enum IntentErrors: Error {
    case allIsWrong
final class IntentHandler: INExtension {
    override func handler(for intent: INIntent) -> Any {
        // This is the default implementation.  If you want different objects to handle different intents,
        // you can override this and return the handler you want for that particular intent.
        return self
extension IntentHandler: RecentWeddingIntentHandling {
    func provideWeddingOptionsCollection(
        for intent: RecentWeddingIntent,
        with completion: @escaping (INObjectCollection<IntentWedding>?, Error?
        ) -> Swift.Void)
        guard let weddingsInstances = CDWedding.instances else {
            let weddings = [IntentWedding(identifier: "createId", display: "Please create wedding")]
            let collection = INObjectCollection(items: weddings)
            completion(collection, IntentErrors.allIsWrong)
        let weddings = weddingsInstances.map { wedding in
            IntentWedding(identifier: wedding.id, display: wedding.name)
        let collection = INObjectCollection(items: weddings)
        completion(collection, nil)
    func defaultWedding(for intent: RecentWeddingIntent) -> IntentWedding? {
        if let wedding = UserSettings.shared.correctUser?.selectedWedding {
            return IntentWedding(identifier: wedding.id, display: wedding.name)
        } else {
            let wedding = IntentWedding(identifier: "createId", display: "Please create wedding")
            return wedding

Answered by RobinKment in 660755022
I recreate the same issue I have with Apple Demo project Fruta repo is here: https://github.com/kmentrobin/Fruta-macOS-Widget
Accepted Answer
I recreate the same issue I have with Apple Demo project Fruta repo is here: https://github.com/kmentrobin/Fruta-macOS-Widget
The problem was in .intentdefinition where is needed for macOS to have Checked value Siri can ask for value when run. Don't know why but that only helped. If you want to play around with that is still on GitHub.
WidgetKit - macOS don't run IntentHandler