(Expansion) Sheet isn't complying to color scheme

So...I lost most of the Lunch Card files to a factory reset. There was an issue with Disk Utility - it's a whole thing. But I've managed to recover most of the files. But there's something that isn't working anymore within the code.

In SettingsView, where the color scheme ("Appearance") picker is located, you choose between light, dark, and system default.

But when calling the sheet for AddView in CardsView (using SheetInfo() from Info.swift), it just defaults to whatever the system is set at. When I previewed it, it was light mode when the app setting was dark.

Thing is, before I lost all my files, it worked perfectly normal, and consumer versions reflected that. I recovered (and rewrote some of) SettingsView and AddView (thank goodness I showed the full code for AddView here). I may have missed something, so here's my code for both, plus ContentView, CardsView, and Info.swift.