[bug] Extension frames fail to be embedded on websites

I'm trying to put a view (html page) from a web extension into an iframe on a website. The html file is listed correctly in web_accessible_resources, however when I'm trying to load it, I get the following error:
Failed to load resource: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error -1008.)


How are you generating the URL of the HTML page in your extension source?

Can you please file some feedback to https://feedbackassistant.apple.com and attach the code that isn't working for you?

Thanks for the reply. The URL is generated using browser.runtime.getURL().

I've filed feedback to the feedback assistant two months ago with ticket number FB8986072. I've yet to get a response on that tho.

Any update on this? See feedback assistant bug report: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/8986072

Thanks for filing the feedback!

What site are you trying to add an iframe to?

-1008 in WebKit is WebURLErrorResourceUnavailable. That would indicate an issue with how browser.runtime.getURL() is being called. Can you attach a sample project to the feedback? That would really help I think.

A sample extension is available in the feedback assist ticket and with this URL: https://static.jeurissen.co/8986072-apple-frame-issue.zip

In browsers like Firefox and Chrome. The frame is loaded and says "frame". In Safari it doesn't load and thus is blank.

  • Same issue here, I don't even know how to show images that are stored in my extension.

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