App crashing on initial load

My iOS app is crashing on the initial load. It's happening both in my Testflight build and also in the production version of the app on the App Store. It was working fine a few days ago; this just started happening all of a sudden.

What's strange is that after doing a fresh install, it doesn't happen the first time I open the app. It only happens after I force close the app and open it again (and every time afterward).

I'm using Expo and React Native to build the app. I've attached a crash log.

My guess is that React is getting a JavaScript exception that it doesn't know how to handle, then converting it into an NSException that's being thrown (and not caught), causing your app to crash.

You need to figure out what JavaScript exception is happening, why it's happening, and why ReactNative framework refuses to handle it.

Run expo build:android or expo build:ios instead of using eas. You can still use eas submit.

Make sure your local variables and secrets are included in your EAS environment before building, as per expo documentation:

App crashing on initial load