Multiple commands produce.

Multiple commands produce '/Users/arghadipdas/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Widgets-dfmrjoounhtpfncpqalteomwmppi/Build/Intermediates.noindex/':
1) Target 'Widgets' (project 'Widgets') has compile command for Swift source files
2) Target 'Widgets' (project 'Widgets') has compile command for Swift source files

I had this issue. I was trying to add two widgets to my project and realized that the intents (for the widget target they are named ConfigurationIntent) needed to have different names for each of the targets. Open the Intents file for the target, change the name, then change the name in the project itself, wherever ConfigurationIntent is in the file, replace with your new name. If the Custom name you choose were Today, the name to use in your project is TodayIntent().

 IntentConfiguration(kind: kind, intent: TodayIntent.self, provider: Provider()) { entry in
            TodayWidgetView(entry: entry)

@rbenjamin Thank you for the response on this question. I think this puts me on the right track, but I have a couple questions.

In Xcode, to change the "name" in the "intent file for the target" I open up the home widget folder, open WidgetName.intentdefinition and update the "Title" field to be something unique. Is that correct?

Then, where IntentConfiguration is being called in your code snipped, I changed the intent field to be MyUniqueIntentNameIntent.self. However, when I do this, Xcode complains that it can't find any class by that name. How do I get that class to be generated with a new name? Also, do I need to replace all usages of ConfigurationIntent (not IntentConfiguration as in your snippet) to match that class name?


Multiple commands produce.