handleActiveWorkoutRecovery() not being called in a SwiftUI app

Hey everyone,

I'm working on a watchOS SwiftUI workout app and am working on implementing recovering a workout after a crash.

I've added a WKExtensionDelegate by including @WKExtensionDelegateAdaptor property wrapper.

I've done some testing to verify that the delegate is working correctly by adding log statements in methods such as applicationDidBecomeActive() and applicationWillResignActive().

I've forced a crash in my app while a work session is active but it doesn't look like handleActiveWorkoutRecovery() is being called. I've installed the logging profile on my watch and don't see the log statement I added in the method.

Should handleActiveWorkoutRecovery() be called in the extension delegate of a SwiftUI watchOS app or am I doing something wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Which watchOS version is this occurring on?
I was using watchOS 7.2. I'm trying now to reproduce on watchOS 7.3 and it still appears that handleActiveWorkoutRecovery isn't being called. Thanks!
Can you file a bug report with sample code using https://feedbackassistant.apple.com ?
Just filed https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/8986729.

I refactored the SpeedySloth sample app to respond to handleActiveWorkoutRecovery() being called while crashing during an active workout. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!
Same here, I can't implement it on watchOS 7.3
It works on device for me!
(Sorry, can't edit my old post anymore)
@maxzoech: handleActiveWorkoutRecovery() is working for you on watchOS 7.3? Are you using SwiftUI?
This is also not working for me on watchOS 7.2

I also implemented the WKExtensionDelegate with the WKExtensionDelegateAdaptor property wrapper and confirmed with the debugger that the delegate methods are being called.

The method handleActiveWorkoutRecovery() is never called. I tried in the simulator with restart, force quit and exit(0) in code.

I am seeing this on device with 7.0.2, series 6 with 40mm using fatalError().

handleActiveWorkoutRecovery() not being called in a SwiftUI app