Apple pay Web support for Multiple Payment Gateways in a single app?

I am having app where you can have stores(merchants) those who are using 2 payment providers.

Merchant 1:<merchantId 1 >
Merchant 2:<merchantId 2>

Both the payment gateways their own payment processing certificates. So i assume to configure two payment processing certificates, i need to create two apple pay MIDs in my dev portal. Or can i use one MID and configure both? if yes, please mention how to do it

the next question is about the domain association. I am having a single backend hosting all the merchant sites mentioned in above. If i have to MIDs, which means there are to domain association files that needs to be hosted in the server's welknown directory.

Could you mention the possibilities of resolving above issue >
  • Having this same issue when considering making the application available in multiple countries. One payment provider for one country, a different payment provider for the other country. How do we direct the transaction in Apple Pay to the right Payment provider depending on where the user is located?

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The best way to support multiple payment providers is to use a single merchant identifier and perform the payment decryption on your own backend. You can then forward the decrypted payment data to whichever payment provider you want.

@esudharaka, I'm having the same problem and will update when I find an answer - unless you already found one.

Anyway, I want my SPA to show the "Apple Pay" button when I use both Square's Web Payments SDK and Stripe's Payment Request Button but its like I can use one or the other since the path to read the apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association file is at .com/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.

Note: This use-case is for a multi-tenant application that lets app user's link either Strip or Square to process payments.