MacOS SwiftUI - window/view size persistence

I want to layout a window that works how Xcode works. By this I mean it has a sidebar on both sides and a document view in the middle.

The left sidebar will be the "master" and the document and right sidebar will display data based on the master item selected.

That all works, and the user can adjust the size of the two side bars.

The problem is the size of the side bars as set by the user dragging is overridden when a new master item is selected or when the window is resized by the user.

The left side bar is working as expected, the right side bar is self adjusting when the window size is changed by the user.

I have implemented it with a NavigationView on the left side bar and a second navigation view on the center document view and the left sidebar displayed in it.

And I have tried using a NavigationView around the left sidebar with HSplitview around the Document and right side view.

How do I get the window width adjustment to ONLY affect the document view, and the size of the sidebars to be adjustable by the User only.




Here is a link to my Gibhub of the project, if that will help understand my question.
