Swift Playgrounds - playground icons

Hello! I would like to customize my playground icons so that when I open swift playgrounds, my gallery showing all of my playgrounds has my own images for playgrounds I have created instead of the template icons (like the hammer for Xcode playgrounds, box for blank).

The playgrounds created by apple, like "Learn to Code 1", have custom images as their app icons so I would imagine it could be configured somewhere but I have not been able to find it.
You can only add icons in the playground if it's a .playgroundbook

I had the same question and found the following hack for those without access to Xcode (which would allow attaching icons to playgrounds, I assume). Here is how I did it after some investigation in one of the sample playgrounds:

  1. Close playground in question in SP4
  2. Find playground folder on iCloud
  3. CD into and further down into Contents
  4. Create folder PrivateResources
  5. Copy your image into new folder
  6. Back in Contents edit Manifest.plist
  7. Add XML lines to top-level <dict> :
<string><your image file name></string>
  1. Open playground in question and edit (!). I found editing crucial as the icon didn't appear after just opened/ closed the playground without at least a minor edit.

I did it all on my iPad using Textastic for folder creation, file copying, and editing.

Swift Playgrounds - playground icons