MFMessageComposeViewController can't send TextMessage if multiple receipts

the code below is used to open a
Code Block
 with a body message and more receipts (10 - 200).

In iOS below 14 it was working fine, but now the green send button doesn't do nothing.
i'm missing something ?
Code Block
messageController = MFMessageComposeViewController()
messageController.body = message
messageController.recipients = recipients
messageController.messageComposeDelegate = self
controller.present(messageController, animated: true)

After testing with iPhone 6 iOS 12.4 same code works fine with 100 receipts but with new iOS (iOS14.2) max 10 receipts.

Also have notice if i upload more then 10 contacts the photo, and store icon near text field disappear and when i type more then one line of text the textfield is not displaying all text


I have the same issue.
If you will test native app, it can handle more than 10 recipients(even 100 I think, hasn't tested) by hiding list with animation. Looks like MFMessageComposeViewController doesn't apply this animation after presenting and we have UI issue.
Apple, please fix it ASAP.
we start using SMS links, it can handle 100 recipients , but still would love to have a composer for the completion callback