Longingly wanting legacy NSCollectionView insertion behaviour

The legacy NSCollectionView grid has some really simple behaviour when dragging items around in the grid. When dragging item(s) to a target location, the proposed drop location would animate slightly ("parting the Red Sea of adjacent items" as it were) for the proposed drop. A bonus: there wasn't a vertical insertion bar.

I would assume that behind the scenes in the legacy implementation, the NSSpringLoadingDestination protocol and the view's animator instance were used to make this happen..

I managed to partly mimic this behaviour with the new NSCollectionViewGridLayout (via the aforementioned protocol/animator) and it's almost working. But I'm giving up on my approach as I can't see a means to obscure the blue vertical insertion bar right through the center of my items. That happens during my drag session when I propose at NSCollectionViewDropBefore operation (in my validate drop method) while returning anything but NSDragOperationNone.

I do see that there's a layoutAttributesForInterItemGapBeforeIndexPath method on the new layouts; that might work, but I don't see any means to avoiding the insertion bar highlight.

Does anyone know how to easily get this legacy behaviour with the post-OS10.11 NSCollectionView API?


Did you ever get legacy animation effect working for an NSCollectionView using the NSCollectionViewGridLayout layout? If so, can you share the code? Thank you.