SwiftUI corrupting Xcode 12.3 project/prefs?

This has happened twice in the last few days. While working in SwiftUI projects I will start getting lengthy spinners, that eventually become infinite spinners and I have to force-quit Xcode. Cleaning and rebuilding project, even deleting entire Derived Data, even restarting Xcode clean without any projects after rebooting Mac still presents the infinite spinner.

My only solution that has worked been to delete all Xcode preferences and delete XCuserData from within my projects.

I'm building on an 16 Gb M1 MacBook Air, so wondering if some SwiftUI Xcode tool has an Apple Silicon bug causing the prefs to get corrupted. Anyone else having similar problems, and if so are you on Intel or Apple Silicon?
And it's happening again. This is what I'm doing to fix it.

rm ~/Library/"Saved Application State"/com.apple.dt.Xcode.savedState/*
defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode
rm -rf  ~/Library/Developer

Right click  yourprojectname.xcodeproj
Show package contents.
Delete xcuserdata.
Right click on project.xcworkspace
Show package contents 
delete the xcurserdata.

For some reason still had to run
xcrun simctl shutdown all && xcrun simctl erase all

SwiftUI corrupting Xcode 12.3 project/prefs?