Help with Simple Push Server

I am trying to run the sample code in the "Build local push connectivity for restricted networks" from wwdc20-10113. I've gotten then entitlement, figured out how to set the app groups, profiles, and bundle identifiers.

I run the Simple Push Server and Simple Push app (on 2 devices on the same SSID that is configured in settings). I see heartbeats on the server end and the client end for both devices. But the app shows that that NeAppPushProvider is not active and I can't get further.

As far as I can tell I have followed all directions in the README and the app builds, signs, installs and appears to connect to the server. The logs do not provide feedback to indicate there is an error. Is the example client/server actually functional? Are there any other suggestions, device settings, or troubleshooting steps I can try?
Incidentally I was able to get the sample code running.

Seems like there are some bugs (to be fixed in iOS 14.5) that may trip you up if you get past the provisioning/signing. The advice I was given:
  • in the SSID be careful if you have any special characters like apostrophes, etc.

  • make sure in PushConfigurationManager that pushProviderBundleIdentifier is set to the bundle ID of the provider extension

  • when asked for Allow Local Network Access, say yes right then. Saying no, and then correcting that in Settings might cause issues. 

  • when filling the server host and the SSID info, do fill in both in one shot. Filling one, and then going back and filling the second one might cause issues.

Also when in doubt -> clean, uninstall, reinstall.
Help with Simple Push Server