Xcode freezes after upgrade to 12.3

I have upgrade Xcode to last release on 15 december 2020. Now it freezes every minutes for 5 minutes it's unusable. Are there some solutions?
Answered by Claude31 in 652540022
Does it freeze on any specific action ?
Do you notice some unusual Xcode activity level in Monitor ?

Did you reboot ?

Otherwise, a good practice is to keep previous version 12.2 and get back to it.
And file a bug report.
Try deleting your Derived Data folder.
Removing your devices and connecting with lightening cable rather than WiFi.
Also you can try downloading Xcode from the developer downloads directly rather than from AppStore.
Yes, unpair and connect via lighting cable. This is terrible. On both Intel and M1 computers... long freezes when switching to Xcode. I've sent sysdiagnose so hopefully that helps them, although I have no idea how people are using this as-is.
I have also performance Problems. But its not crashing, instead it's just very slow. Each time I type something, its lagging 1 or 2 sec. Any suggestions?
Make sure you don't have Chrome or Any other memory hungry program running, Also make sure that your computer has enough memory and storage, xcode IDE is already quite memory hungry and doesn't really offer a good developer experience.
Same issue for me. To go in the devices and remove the Connect via Network works but I think it is a dirty workaround. Apple should fix this problem.
Disable WiFi debug in the device window.
Hanging will become rare.
However, sometimes it appears anyway. Just unplug the test device from the cable and plug it back in.
This error is somewhere in connection with the device for debugging.
Same issue. Please someone at Apple, let's go to solve it. thx.
Same issue, to fix follow this steps:
  1. Windows -> Devices and Simulators

  2. Select your Device from left panel

  3. Uncheck "Connect via network"

Now you need to connect your device via Lightning cable until Apple fix the issue.
same issue here. Xcode 12.3. Removing hw devices from Window/Devices and Simulators works.
Still experienced this issue after upgrading to Xcode 12.4
Still experiencing this problem after upgrading to 12.4 on MacBook Pro 15 and DTK under MacOS 11.2 and on iMac 27" running under Catalina. Turning off "Connect via network" on the MacBook Pro caused Xcode to crash (sigh). Seems like the issue is getting worse.
Still experienced this issue after upgrading to Xcode 12.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have same issue. Xcode Version 12.4 (12D4e), no devices connected, just closing an open file from IDE takes few seconds, and beachball is shown. Xcode 11.7 had no such issue, nor Xcode 12.3. I have 32GB ram so it is not caused with swap or anything like that. Running on Bir Sur 11.1.
same issue with xcode 12.4
can't open any project - just spin and spin, and then Xcode isn't respond
will try get back to 12.2
Same issue in Version 12.4 (12D4e). Running Big Sur 11.2
I have the same issue. Seems like it freezes more on cloned projects on 12.4
Same issue. Xcode freezes all the time now since upgrading to Big Sur 11.2 and Xcode 12.4.
Great! After updating the device, I can not start the debug my app, since there are no latest versions of IOS in Xcode 12.2. TY apple
Hi. I have a macbook pro 16" and it freezes everytime I code more than 5-10 minutes. I had macos big sur 11.1 and updated to 11.2 and it became unusable, literally! It was freezing every time after opening up xcode after 1 second. I had to delete my hard drive and install catalina, find a version of big sur 11.1 on the internet and still happens from time to time. Please fix this...
Xcode 12.4 - Issue still exist. I'm working with hardware which require cable connection to device and it makes work almost impossible to complete.
If there is any solution to this which allow me to debug using wi-fi, please let me know!
sorry, dp
Started having this issue today (xcode 12.3, big sur 11.1) and ran into another layer of problems because while plugged into lightning cable it would say it couldn't setup device for development even though I built to this phone all the time. Turns out the Apple Watch synced to it seemed to be the problem -- after turning off the Apple Watch it let me build over lightning cable. Doing so also seems to let me build over wifi again without the hanging.

So if you have Apple Watch, try turning that off. Haven't checked to see if turning it back on will break xcode again.
Filed a bug report on 2/13/2021. Very bad update, putting me behind for a few days :-(

You've got the same experience if your iPhone is connected to Xcode via Wi-Fi and isn't fully prepared for development or present errors in Devices and Simulators, it was my case. Removing "Connect via Network" works without need to reboot or anything else.
I got the same issue on Xcode 12.4 on M1.
i unplugged all the wires ( Power and USB device ) and it seems to work for now
Xcode freezes after upgrade to 12.3