Swift class can't see public swift class in binary XCFramework

I have an Objective-C project with Swift classes and a Swift bridging header. I also have a binary XCFramework included in the project which has its own Swift UIView classes. The XCFramweork's swift views are public, like public class ThisView: UIView {}.

The problem is that in my main project, in any Swift class, I can't create an instance of ThisView() - Xcode complains "Cannot find ThisView in scope". I tried importing the name of the XCFramework at the top of the Swift class, but it does nothing.

My Swift class can see obj-c code from the XCFramework via the bridging header imports, but not other Swift classes that are in the Framework. Is this due to the bridging header in the main project? Any other ideas? The framework is copied into the project's local directory, not using pod or carthage.


Swift class can't see public swift class in binary XCFramework