TextField and "Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints"

I'm having issues with TextField and any text entry in Swift. Clicking into a text entry field results in an "Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints" warning with a huge number of unsatisfied constraints. This happened even on the simplest of content:

struct ContentView: View {
@State private var textEntry : String = "Hello World"
  var body: some View {
return VStack {
.id("plain text 1")
TextField("Enter New Text Here", text: self.$textEntry)
.id("text Entry 1")
.id("Hello World 1")

Has anyone else had this issue?
Thanks for asking this. I was running in the same problem and really hope someone can provide a solution
Just ran into this problem myself. It has to be a SwiftUI bug as a brand new project with only a TextField triggers the error.

Code Block
struct ContentView: View {
@State var input: String = ""
var body: some View {
TextField("username", text:$input)

However it only occurs on iPad for me. No workarounds at this time that I've found, but seems to be innocuous though.

Looks like the same issue as these:


Still an issue in Xcode 14.4/5.8

Xcode 15 continues to do this. Lol SwiftUI, sometimes. Lol.

TextField and "Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints"