sendMessage not received by options page onMessage

I have ported a Chrome FireFox extension.
One of the things that does not work is receiving message from background to a options page (safari-web-extension://<id>/page.html)

I dont get a error message or any details back from the promise.
Any idea where this goes wrong?

Code Block
browser.tabs.sendMessage(, { message });

Options page:
Code Block
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(message => {

Hello @arnoudkooi,
Did you managed to find a solution for this?
I'm trying to solve this for a whole day now. When I send a message with browser.tabs.sendMessage to a tab that I've created it won't receive it at all. No matter if I send it from a different tab or from a background script. It will receive messages send through the browser.runtime.sendMessage though.

It feels impossible. I've tried also chrome namespace but with the same results.
Is everyone else using browser.tabs.connect API?
sendMessage not received by options page onMessage