What should be the resolution for full screen background image for all devices including iPhone XS Max

I want to add image set in Assets for background image. What should be the dimensions for it for@2x,@3x for supporting all iPhone devices including iPhone XS Max?
Will there be need of 2 image sets for iPhone X & for other iPhone devices? Will below dimensions work ? iPhone X:-1242X2688 828X1792 414X896 Other:- 1242X2208 828X1472 414X736


Ideally you provide 1x, 2x, 3x images.

But, by experience, I found out that it does not matter that much.
I provide a single large enough (3000 * 4000) jpeg image which weight about 600 k.
And put it in resources, not in xcAssets.

It works perfectly on all devices I tested on.