Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords

Error Message:
[AutoFill] Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords for app bundleID: com.AnyPlay due to error: Cannot identify the calling app's process. Check teamID and bundleID in your app's application-identifier entitlement

Entitlement looks like this:

<plist version="1.0">

What am I missing in the entitlement? In WWDC 2018 says that associated domains enough to use this feature.
We have the exact same problem. Using Auto-Fill to sign in the LoginVC works flawless on an iPhone SE 20202 with iOS 14.2.

But using it to suggest a strong password on our ChangePasswordVC gives the same message in the Xcode Debug Console:

[AutoFill] Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords for app bundleID: com.domain.appname due to error: Cannot identify the calling app's process. Check teamID and bundleID in your app's application-identifier entitlement

Running the same on an iPad Pro with iOS 13.7 works flawless.

  • What has changed on iOS 14?

  • What should we do to resolve this?

Can this be related? The documentation of the Associated Domain File shows a new section at the bottom about macOS 11 and iOS 14:

Starting with macOS 11 and iOS 14, apps no longer send requests for apple-app-site-association files directly to your web server. Instead, they send these requests to an Apple-managed content delivery network (CDN) dedicated to associated domains.

We also have this issue.

Autofill for E-Mail & Password during login work fine.
On Registration (different VC) we get the same error:

[AutoFill] Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords for app bundleID: com.simplify-screen.ios due to error: Cannot identify the calling app's process. Check teamID and bundleID in your app's application-identifier entitlement

The Associated Domain File should be setup correctly, as validators also come back successfully.

It seems to be hit or miss depending on the testing device. iOS 14 on iPhone 12 Pro / iPhone 11 never show the suggested password. Sometimes the iPhone X running iOS 14 does show it though. Very weird and difficult to bug test.

Are we missing something?

Same here since iOS 14. Weird is that my Universal Links are still working as well as saving passwords to the keychain/associate domain. So basically my Associate Domain setup is still ok and only strong passwords is not working.

Are we missing something?

Support from Apple. As always.
For the last months I've spent more hours per week in debugging Apple issue than developing apps, by:
  • Pulling my hairs out while investigation the craziest behaviour.

  • Reporting issues extensively to the no Feedback Assistent.

  • Searching, reading and posting on the Developer forum.

Adding some more context to this issue.

My use case is i have 2 screens.
1: LoginVC
2: RegistrationVC

The login screen has 2 UI textFields wrapped in a super class for embellishment. When i set the content type and secure text entry like so:
Code Block
emailTextField.textField.textContentType = .emailAddress
emailTextField.keyboardType = .emailAddress
passwordTextField.textField.textContentType = .password
passwordTextField.keyboardType = .default
passwordTextField.textField.isSecureTextEntry = true

For a single screen this works fine. I get no debug errors and the auto fill works as expected.

When i then navigate to the registration screen ( on the same navigation controller ) and set the password input to"
Code Block
isSecureTextEntry = true

The email field ( which i didn't set the textContentType to email ) grinds to a halt. On some devices it grinds the whole phone to a halt all other apps are effected.

When this email field and password field are edited i get all of the debug errors people here are seeing including this:

Code Block
[Assert] View <(null):0x0> does not conform to UITextInput protocol

I have tried every single keyboard type combination with every single textContentType combination and still the error persists.

Quite alarming if the issue can bleed out to outside of the app context too. Tested on iOS 14, 14.1 and 14.2 all the same issue on 11, 11 pro and 8.

Similar situation here: When I first developed a sign-up form less than one week ago, auto-suggested passwords worked as expected. I even tried different password rules. Now, a few days later when I was ready to test my new app version, I realised that strong password suggestions no longer work and I'm getting the same message in the console.
Code Block
[AutoFill] Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords for app bundleID: … due to error: Cannot identify the calling app's process. Check teamID and bundleID in your app's application-identifier entitlement

Auto-filling on the login screen still works.
Same issue here. Entitlements, association file validation, keychain all working. Strong password suggestion is broken with the same error as others. Is there any response from Apple on this? Has anyone found a fix for this? I've seen this issue on here and on Stack without any resolution. Is this just a problem with iOS 14.0+? I tested this in Safari and it works as expected when signing up for a new account on a website (Amazon new user).
Hitting this same issue as well. It definitely seems like it's iOS 14-specific in our case. I've tested the same app build on an iOS 12.5.1 device, an iOS 13.7 device and iOS 14.4 device. Automatic Strong Password Suggestion works perfectly on the first two, but fails on the iOS 14 device (with the same error message in the console that was mentioned above).

On our login screen, it does still offer to fill previously-saved login information. It's only Automatic Strong Password that's broken.
Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords