Character wont do anything

In the floating islands level where you create your own instance of blocks, stairs, portals, and character, I am having a problem where my character instance just doesn’t do anything no matter what I ask it to do. I write it properly “character.moveForward” yet nothing happens. Here is the code I wrote. After pressing run it loads everything in and once it gets to the actions the character does nothing.

Code Block
let bluePortal = Portal(color:  colorLiteral(red: 0.0, green: 0.25882354378700256, blue: 0.6627451181411743, alpha: 1.0))
let greenPortal = Portal(color:  colorLiteral(red: 0.30588236451148987, green: 0.4784314036369324, blue: 0.15294116735458374, alpha: 1.0))
let block = Block()
let stairs = Stair()
let character = Character()
var gemCounter = 0
var switchCounter = 0, facing: .south, atColumn: 5, row: 6), atColumn: 1, row: 2), atColumn: 2, row: 7), atColumn: 5, row: 3), facing: .north, atColumn: 5, row: 5)
func move(distance: Int) {
    for i in 1 ... distance {
move(distance: 2)

It may be that you have encountered some of the problems that many of us now have with our own playground code since the Playgrounds app was updated to version 3.4 (1302.27). This happened about a week ago now. The update broke playgrounds rather severely in terms of rendering, bindings, and even just the ability to run previously working code without crashes and unhelpful error messages.

But look on the brighter side: you now have a console for viewing print() output, and even some level of crash reporting with exception traces. Now if our playgrounds would just work, we’d be fine.

You might consider filing a report using the Feedback Assistant.
Character wont do anything