In the floating islands level where you create your own instance of blocks, stairs, portals, and character, I am having a problem where my character instance just doesn’t do anything no matter what I ask it to do. I write it properly “character.moveForward” yet nothing happens. Here is the code I wrote. After pressing run it loads everything in and once it gets to the actions the character does nothing.
Code Block let bluePortal = Portal(color: colorLiteral(red: 0.0, green: 0.25882354378700256, blue: 0.6627451181411743, alpha: 1.0)) let greenPortal = Portal(color: colorLiteral(red: 0.30588236451148987, green: 0.4784314036369324, blue: 0.15294116735458374, alpha: 1.0)) let block = Block() let stairs = Stair() let character = Character() var gemCounter = 0 var switchCounter = 0, facing: .south, atColumn: 5, row: 6), atColumn: 1, row: 2), atColumn: 2, row: 7), atColumn: 5, row: 3), facing: .north, atColumn: 5, row: 5) func move(distance: Int) { for i in 1 ... distance { character.moveForward() } } move(distance: 2) character.toggleSwitch()