I have a pretty complex and dynamic SwiftUI View which wrapps around multiple other Views which have different dynamic contents (images, texts …)
But I also need those views as a thumbnail with a fixed height.
I.e. something like a magazine where a page is displayed and the other pages are displayed in a thumbnail bar at the bottom of the screen.
The thumbnails should be presented in a UICollectionView (the rest of the App is still UIKit!)
I tried to scale down the UIView (coming from UIHostingController) using Autolayout but had no success with that.
My next approach would be creating preview images but to render and SwiftUI-View as image I need it to be displayed on the screen … but how to do that?
Thank you very much in advance
But I also need those views as a thumbnail with a fixed height.
I.e. something like a magazine where a page is displayed and the other pages are displayed in a thumbnail bar at the bottom of the screen.
The thumbnails should be presented in a UICollectionView (the rest of the App is still UIKit!)
I tried to scale down the UIView (coming from UIHostingController) using Autolayout but had no success with that.
My next approach would be creating preview images but to render and SwiftUI-View as image I need it to be displayed on the screen … but how to do that?
Thank you very much in advance