Xcode 12.2 Launch screen stuck fo 40 seconds

I just installed Big Sur and Xcode 12.2. When I start my Apps (in the simulators or in the real device) the Lauch screen takes more that 30 / 40 seconds to disappears. This is extremely annoyng when you need to debug the App. There are some suggestion on StackOverflow to solve the issue disabling the debug feature but in this way I can't debug my App anymore of course.

Is it a big bug of Xcode? Someone else with the same problem?
Did you restart the Mac after installing Xcode ?
Yes, no changes... The same problem
I had the same problem when I installed Big Sur and Xcode 12.2. I did some search and I found this solution, and it did work for me:


I hope it helps.

I've deleted xcuserdata. it helped in my case

rm -rf /pat/to/[YourProject].xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata
Xcode 12.2 Launch screen stuck fo 40 seconds