The staple and validate action failed! Error 73.

I have successfully notarized App.dmg file with the status "success" on macOS 10.13.6.

The "ticketContents" contains the following entries:

path = App.dmg
path = App.dmg/App.pkg
path = App.dmg/App.pkg/app.pkg Contents/Payload/Applications/
path = App.dmg/App.pkg/app.pkg Contents/Payload/Applications/
path = App.dmg/
path = App.dmg/
path = App.dmg/ Stub
... and similar ones.

When I run
Code Block
xcrun stapler staple App.dmg
I receive the error 73:

Processing: App.dmg
Processing: App.dmg
Although we wrote the ticket, the written data did not validate. Please restore App.dmg from backup to try again.
The staple and validate action failed! Error 73.

The file App.dmg was not changed after staple, I checked md5 sums of both files.

The .dmg file was create as UDBZ file format. App.pkg was created with AuxiliaryTools/

How can I fix it?

Accepted Reply

The first thing I recommend that you do here is try this on a more modern system. macOS 10.13.6 is from the very start of the notarisation saga and it wouldn’t surprise me if you saw problems there.

Actually, belay that, let’s start with this instead:

The .dmg file was create as UDBZ file format.

Please switch to the default disk image format (UDZO) and see if that helps.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""


The first thing I recommend that you do here is try this on a more modern system. macOS 10.13.6 is from the very start of the notarisation saga and it wouldn’t surprise me if you saw problems there.

Actually, belay that, let’s start with this instead:

The .dmg file was create as UDBZ file format.

Please switch to the default disk image format (UDZO) and see if that helps.

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""