How to present second viewcontroller at app launch

I am trying to present another ViewController from storyboard when app launches, for example like from WhatsNew Kit or Welcome Screen but it is custom made is it possible? If so how do I present it
What do you want to get exactly ?
  • launch on a first VC

  • then switch to another one ?

  • based on what event ? Existence of some news for instance ?

To do this, just create a segue from 1st VC to 2nd VC that you will fire with performSegue from viewDidLoad for instance after testing the condition.

If you want to go directly to another VC
  • change the entry point in IB storyboard, you'll go to another VC.

But tell precisely what you want.

I want to launch app with first VC and over it launch another saying some information with button on bottom which will have dismiss action to close it. Like for example when there is update in some app they tend to tell whats new
OK, so follow the first option:

Create a segue from 1st VC to 2nd VC that you will fire with performSegue from viewDidLoad for instance after testing the condition.

Have you tried to do so ?
How to present second viewcontroller at app launch