'@Environment(\.presentationMode)' broke after upgrading Xcode to 12.1(SwiftUI)

I've updated my Xcode version to 12.1 and I noticed that this alone causes issues after the update:
Code Block Swift
@Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>

I'm using it to programmatically go back in a NavigationView:
Code Block Swift

The Problem I'm Facing:

Whenever I navigate to another page, I have this not rendering:

Code Block Swift
self.textTest.userInput = "Hello World"

Things I've Tried:

I've tried commenting out 'presentationMode' and when I navigate the text renders on the screen so I'm sure it's this that's causing the problem.

What I'm Looking For:

What's another way to navigate back programmatically?
I've made reproducible code that shows this issue; but after doing so, I realized that presentationMode isn't the problem. It's the way I've set up my own custom navigation due to the limitations of SwiftUI. I'll repost soon and hopefully there'll be a resolution.
'@Environment(\.presentationMode)' broke after upgrading Xcode to 12.1(SwiftUI)