Ever since updating to Xcode 12.x, have the oddest thing happening. This is for an app that exists in the App Store, and with a beta in Test Flight, so all certificates, etc are up to date. The app builds clean, and then gets the
Dev acct in good standing, have restarted, Clean Build Folder, deleted Derived Data, etc, with same result just since Xcode 12.x. Any ideas on what & why are appreciated. Thank you.
Here are the details from that alert:
Unable to install "My App"
Domain: com.apple.dt.MobileDeviceErrorDomain
Code: -402620388
Domain: com.apple.dt.MobileDeviceErrorDomain
Code: -402620388
User Info: {
DVTRadarComponentKey = 261622;
MobileDeviceErrorCode = "(0xE800801C)";
"com.apple.dtdevicekit.stacktrace" = (
0 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000121c0a93f DTDKCreateNSErrorFromAMDErrorCode + 220
1 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000121c49124 _90-[DTDKMobileDeviceToken installApplicationBundleAtPath:withOptions:andError:withCallback:]blockinvoke + 155
2 DVTFoundation 0x00000001068e4b33 DVTInvokeWithStrongOwnership + 71
3 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000121c48e65 -[DTDKMobileDeviceToken installApplicationBundleAtPath:withOptions:andError:withCallback:] + 1440
4 IDEiOSSupportCore 0x0000000121ab9d28 118-[DVTiOSDevice(DVTiPhoneApplicationInstallation) processAppInstallSet:appUninstallSet:installOptions:completionBlock:]blockinvoke.292 + 3513
5 DVTFoundation 0x0000000106a1329a DVTCALLINGCLIENTBLOCK + 7
6 DVTFoundation 0x0000000106a14ebc _DVTDispatchAsyncblockinvoke + 1191
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fba26c4 dispatchcallblockandrelease + 12
8 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fba3658 dispatchclientcallout + 8
9 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fba8c44 dispatchlaneserialdrain + 597
10 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fba95d6 dispatchlaneinvoke + 363
11 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fbb2c09 dispatchworkloopworkerthread + 596
12 libsystempthread.dylib 0x00007fff6fdfda3d pthreadwqthread + 290
13 libsystempthread.dylib 0x00007fff6fdfcb77 start_wqthread + 15
System Information
macOS Version 10.15.6 (Build 19G2021)
Xcode 12.1 (17222)
alert. But ... BUT ... this only happens every other build. Build, unable to install, build (with no edits), installs and runs fine, build (with no edits), unable to install, build (with no edits), installs and runs fine, build (with no edits), unable to install, etc.Unable to install "My App"
Dev acct in good standing, have restarted, Clean Build Folder, deleted Derived Data, etc, with same result just since Xcode 12.x. Any ideas on what & why are appreciated. Thank you.
Here are the details from that alert:
Unable to install "My App"
Domain: com.apple.dt.MobileDeviceErrorDomain
Code: -402620388
Domain: com.apple.dt.MobileDeviceErrorDomain
Code: -402620388
User Info: {
DVTRadarComponentKey = 261622;
MobileDeviceErrorCode = "(0xE800801C)";
"com.apple.dtdevicekit.stacktrace" = (
0 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000121c0a93f DTDKCreateNSErrorFromAMDErrorCode + 220
1 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000121c49124 _90-[DTDKMobileDeviceToken installApplicationBundleAtPath:withOptions:andError:withCallback:]blockinvoke + 155
2 DVTFoundation 0x00000001068e4b33 DVTInvokeWithStrongOwnership + 71
3 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000121c48e65 -[DTDKMobileDeviceToken installApplicationBundleAtPath:withOptions:andError:withCallback:] + 1440
4 IDEiOSSupportCore 0x0000000121ab9d28 118-[DVTiOSDevice(DVTiPhoneApplicationInstallation) processAppInstallSet:appUninstallSet:installOptions:completionBlock:]blockinvoke.292 + 3513
5 DVTFoundation 0x0000000106a1329a DVTCALLINGCLIENTBLOCK + 7
6 DVTFoundation 0x0000000106a14ebc _DVTDispatchAsyncblockinvoke + 1191
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fba26c4 dispatchcallblockandrelease + 12
8 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fba3658 dispatchclientcallout + 8
9 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fba8c44 dispatchlaneserialdrain + 597
10 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fba95d6 dispatchlaneinvoke + 363
11 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff6fbb2c09 dispatchworkloopworkerthread + 596
12 libsystempthread.dylib 0x00007fff6fdfda3d pthreadwqthread + 290
13 libsystempthread.dylib 0x00007fff6fdfcb77 start_wqthread + 15
System Information
macOS Version 10.15.6 (Build 19G2021)
Xcode 12.1 (17222)