I have this piece of code to bind the value of one slider in SwiftUI. It works great for one slider, I can set it and keep track of the value in a text field. I am working on an app that has multiple sliders, and I am kind of lost on how to keep track of multiple ones? Do I need to keep this in a class or struct?
Any help or pointing in the right direction is highly appreciated!
I have this piece of code to bind the value of one slider in SwiftUI. It works great for one slider, I can set it and keep track of the value in a text field. I am working on an app that has multiple sliders, and I am kind of lost on how to keep track of multiple ones? Do I need to keep this in a class or struct?
Any help or pointing in the right direction is highly appreciated!
Code Block struct ContentView: View { @State private var sliderLevel = 1.0 var body: some View { let intensity = Binding<Double>( get: { self.sliderLevel }, set: { self.sliderLevel = $0 self.applyProcessing() } )
You can add an @State property for each slider
Create a class conforming to ObservableObject holding all the values
Code Block Swift class Sliders: ObservableObject { @Published var slider1 = 1.0 @Published var slider2 = 0.5 @Published var slider3 = 0.0 } struct ContentView: View { @ObservedObject var sliders = Sliders() // or @State private var slider1 = 1.0 @State private var slider2 = 0.5 @State private var slider3 = 0.0 fileprivate func intensity(for sliderLevel: Binding<Double>) -> Binding<Double> { Binding<Double>(get: { sliderLevel.wrappedValue }, set: { sliderLevel.wrappedValue = $0.applyProcessing() }) } var body: some View {...} }