Core Image content filters broken in Big Sur

When I try to use custom Core Image filters in the contentFilters property of an NSView, they don't work in Big Sur (as of 11.0.1 beta). They do work in Catalina. Doesn't matter if they're written using Metal or Core Image Kernel Language. I've reported this as a bug, but I'm wondering if there is some trick or workaround.
Do built-in filters like CIGaussianBlur still work?
Big Sur is out of beta, and custom CIFilters are still broken.

"Do built-in filters like CIGaussianBlur still work?" - yes, Apple-made filters, such as CIColorMonochrome or CIGaussianBlur work fine on Big Sur, but anything custom, even the most basic filter written as per the Core Image Programming Guide, fails on Big Sur but works on Catalina and older macOS versions.

It is deeply disconcerting that such a glaring bug was not fixed at the beta stage.

Core Image content filters broken in Big Sur