update coredata value failed

I have two Entity
first Entity attribute have "test1"(type is Integer16)
second Entity attribute have "test2"(type is transformable)

I try to test first Entity "add" "delete" "update" "search"
It's all normal

But I try to test second Entity
Only "add" "delete" "search" is normal
Data never be updated,
and the value always stays at "add" value

Code Block
let mDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
let mContext = mDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext
var thisArray: NSMutableArray    
let entity = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "Scene", in: mContext)
let request = NSFetchRequest<Scene>()
request.entity = entity
do {
let results:[AnyObject]? = try mContext.fetch(request)
for myTest in results as![Scene] {
thisArray = myTest.chArrayValueStep1 as! NSMutableArray
if thisArray[0] as! Int == 0x12 {
thisArray[0] = 0x38
myTest.chArrayValueStep1 = thisArray
} catch {

How can I solve this problem?
It would be helpful to have some comments in code. What is Scene ?
Does this exact same code work for test1 or is it somehow different ?

Have you checked that lines 20 to 22 are executed ?
update coredata value failed