';' statements are not allowed

I get the error ';' statements are not allowed,

but the code isn't showing mistakes ( red lines ).The app isn't starting. What can I do, to fix this?
Im using swiftUI.

';' statements are not allowed

CompileDylibError: Failed to build ContentView.swift

Compiling failed: ';' statements are not allowed

/Users/danicajosipovic/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Slotdemo-ezzgawfiueomnzexsicsoiqrhide/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/Slot demo/Intermediates.noindex/Slot demo.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Slot demo.build/Objects-normal/x8664/ContentView.2.preview-thunk.swift:124:18: error: ';' statements are not allowed



Try removing the semicolon
';' statements are not allowed