HDR Recording with AVCaptureVideoDataOutput

iPhone 12 pro and iPhone 12 pro max support HDR recording in 10 bit color space. But we are waiting for any documentation , dos/don'ts from AVFoundation Engineers and make apps ready for recording 10 bit video on iPhone 12 pro using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and displaying the sample buffers using MTKView.


I browsed through most of the APIs and it's not clear if AVCaptureVideoDataOutput will support delivery of 10 bit sample buffers BT2020 color space. It's not therefore clear if third party apps can record videos in HDR format with whatever is available so far.
In AVCaptureDevice and AVCaptureSession, I set isVideoHDRSupported, automaticallyAdjustsVideoHDREnabled and automaticallyConfiguresCaptureDeviceForWideColor to be true. The received video data from captureOutput() is still sRGB (ITUR7092).

The supportedColorSpaces from the device active format also only shows sRGB.

I'm expecting it shall be either P3 or HLG

I feel both AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and the AVCaptureDevice(camera) may be still not ready yet.

It's not supported yet, however there has been an update of Clips app by Apple yesterday where they support recording HDR videos. Not sure how.