App rejected because of permission for camera when using SFSafariViewController

Hi, I've already set info.plist in my app for the privacy permission and the descriptions of the camera use in my app. But the issue are one of my app feature use embedded web using SFSafariViewController and it accessing the camera. With that said, the permission alert pop up with the text as below

"" Would Like to Access the Camera

Thats only it, and because of that my app is rejected.

We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access the camera but does not clarify the use of the camera in the applicable purpose string.

Is theres a way to change the permission alert description on SFSafariViewController? I already understand that SFSafariViewController didn't give control for the app to do anything than when user closing it. Also, I can't use wkwebview or uiwebview because of some specific reason.

You have to add

<string>Explain why your app wants to access the camera</string>

in the info.plist of your app.

Did you read this ? There were until recently issues with SFSafariViewController

And don't forget you have to ask 2 permissions:
 NSCameraUsageDescription / NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
App rejected because of permission for camera when using SFSafariViewController