Does anybody know how to dismiss a system alert, for example a Software-update alert, that is already visible before the actual XCUItest is started.
I've seen remarks to add a UIInterruptionMonitor, but this does not function because the popup is already visible.
We are running the tests in a remote location (because of the Covid virus) and run into problems when starting a test while a system alert is visible. At the moment we have to ask persons that can go to our test setup to dismiss the alerts, but it would be nice if these alerts can be dismissed automatically.
Thanks in advance,
Does anybody know how to dismiss a system alert, for example a Software-update alert, that is already visible before the actual XCUItest is started.
I've seen remarks to add a UIInterruptionMonitor, but this does not function because the popup is already visible.
We are running the tests in a remote location (because of the Covid virus) and run into problems when starting a test while a system alert is visible. At the moment we have to ask persons that can go to our test setup to dismiss the alerts, but it would be nice if these alerts can be dismissed automatically.
Thanks in advance,