from 3 years I'm working on an app for radiators remote control.
The first step is to connect the radiator to the network and it works through these steps:
On iOS 14.2 (Beta) it looks working well (like iOS 13 and 12).
I'm using BlueSocket library to manage the socket.
Did someone noticed this issue?
Thank you in advance.
from 3 years I'm working on an app for radiators remote control.
The first step is to connect the radiator to the network and it works through these steps:
connect the iPhone to the radiator WiFi network
through udp connection I'm going to receive address and port from radiator
then I can send commands to connect the radiator to home WiFi
On iOS 14.2 (Beta) it looks working well (like iOS 13 and 12).
I'm using BlueSocket library to manage the socket.
Did someone noticed this issue?
Thank you in advance.