Xcode iOS game template missing launch storyboard?

If I create a project from the iOS 'Game' template and build it, I get the following warning:

"A launch configuration or launch storyboard or xib must be provided unless the app requires full screen."

The short version of my question is, assuming you're not using SwiftUI, isn't a launch storyboard more or less required irrespective of whether the app requires fullscreen? And why is the launch storyboard missing in the Xcode game template?

In case it's helpful, here's some more detail. I'll admit I'm not sure what 'launch configuration' refers to in the warning message. In any case, Apple says every app should have a launch screen, and recommends that a storyboard be used for this (again, assuming no SwiftUI). But the way the warning is worded seems to suggest that a fullscreen app doesn't need a launch storyboard. Why would that be? Is the warning worded incorrectly?

Apple also says that "Xcode projects automatically include a default launch storyboard for you to customize". So why doesn't the game template include one? Is it an error in the template?

As far as I can tell, the problem is easily fixed by creating a launch screen storyboard file and an appropriate 'Launch screen interface file base name' plist entry. But, I'd like to understand better what the warning means and why the game template is configured the way it is.

Thanks for any help.
Xcode iOS game template missing launch storyboard?