Android Emulator on Silicon

Anyone able to get an Android Emulator up and running on Silicon? I've tried the AVD of Android Studio as well as Genymotion; neither work.
What about Android Studio! Does it work?
How is the performance, build time?
It won't work coz Apple M1 lacks of virtualization support
Nope. Tried without success.
Code Block
It might work soon based on this link
video demo

Just tried to run Android Studio (4.1.1) on Macbook Pro M1, it works, but:
  1. No emulators at this point

  2. Can build and publish on Android Phone (Nexus 4a in my case)

  3. IntelliJ has some lags in performance on M1 (because it is not native, and Intel built), but feels pretty usable.

google has released Android emulator for M1 chipset, now the latest version is v3

you can find it here:
Yes, Android Studio and the M1 emulator are working. However keep in mind that sometimes Android Studio will start pushing to Swap massively about 1 hour of work in. I keep an eye on it and just restart the PC.

I think the swap issue is from Rosetta 2 but not sure. Compile times are pretty fast I stopped using my AMD 3950x Windows build and now just running MacBook Air M1 for all development.

Good luck with your setup.

Did you update your android studio to the latest one? Or You are using a rosetta?

Can you please let us know how you overcome this problem?

Android Studio fails to build my large Java + C (NDK) app on the M1 - Mac mini. The Java JVM crashes during one of the steps. This is true with both the built-in JVM and the Java 8 on my machine. I can build sample apps including Java + C, but not my app that is in production.

The same app builds fine on an Intel MacBook Pro. I even tried letting Android Studio create an empty Java + C project, then moving my app into it and adjusting the build information. Same problem.

I am forced to keep my MacBook Pro active, with my project files on it, as a result.

If I could roll back the clock, I'd get an Intel Mini, sigh.

Yes, It does work with the latest release of the android emulator for m1 by google. Google Android emulator for m1

Hello Team, "Need help with launching Android TV on Mac M1 Pro" Error : Emulator process for AVD has terminated.

Unable to open android TV emulator on mac m1 pro -> Android Studio version Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Recommended and ARM images tabs are empty and unable to launch device by selecting any of the options under other images tab.

Attaching screenshots for reference.

I found a way to make the virtualization work. dm me

Just follow this step:

Android Studio Emulator is now working with m1

Android Emulator on Silicon