GKAccessPoint isVisible property is always false

I need to observe when the GKAccessPoint is visible on screen.

The isVisible property of GKAccessPoint should provide that and even better, it is an observable property.

Unfortunately this property never becomes true. Observing it and/or checking the property directly always return false, even though the GKAccessPoint is visible on screen.

I've tried this on iOS 14.0, 14.2 beta and on tvOS 14.0. With both an existing game (SpriteKit) and a new game with SwiftUI. And no matter what I do, it always reports false. The Game Center integration works perfect otherwise, it is just this property that I can't seem to use as intended.

Anyone using the inVisible property and got it working as described? And have any ideas what might be the reason why it does not report true even though it is visible?
Did you ever find a solution? In our tests, we haven't be able to make isVisible return true either. Not sure if it's not working or if there's a problem in our understanding on how it's supposed to work.
I'm having the same issue and sad to see there's no reply from Apple....
GKAccessPoint isVisible property is always false