Xcode and Gamemaker Studio 2

Hi There,

I am working in Xcode for weeks. Trying to get through the difficulties and issues. Maybe somebody could help me here!?'

I created a platform game over Gamemaker Studio 2. I created and programmed it on my PC (Windows 10). Then I recently bought a MacBook Pro and installed Gamemaker Studio 2 thereon. I saved the .yyp-project (GMS2) with all links on a stick and put it on my macBook Pro. I opened the project with GMS2 (mac version) and tested it - worked fine!

Then... I´ve got the apple developer certificates, currently using a wildcard-ID with de.domain.* for testing needs.

I´ve chosen an iPad 7th gen. for simulating device, even my macBook Pro. OK!

And I made an executable data from GMS2 and Xcode automaticaly opened its screen. There came a lot of issue reports. Many of `em could be easily solved. But there are some further problems I cannot solve... I am an absolute Xcode-novice... but I´d like to learn.

Can somebody tell me understandable, how could I fix following issues?
  • An attribute in the provided entity has invalid value. The attribute "name" is invalid: "XC de domain *"

  • No profiles for "de.domain.* were found: Xcode couldn´t find any Mac Catalyst App Development provisioning profiles matching "de.domain.*".

  • MobileCoreServices has been renamed. Use CoreServces instead.

Building for Mac Catalyst, but the linked library "liyoyointerpreted.a" was bulit for iOS + iOS Simulator. You may need to restrict the platforms for which this library should be linked in the target editor, or replace it with an XCFramework that supports both platforms.

Hope to be helped with these troubles.
Best wishes.


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Xcode and Gamemaker Studio 2