Why is Xcode 12.0.1 only available via Mac App Store?

Why is Xcode 12.0.1 only available via Mac App Store?
Answered by O_G in 637795022
Looks like Apple posted 12.0.1 to the "More" downloads page today. I guess there's just a delay (of about 5 days) between when Mac App Store gets updated, and when the "More" downloads page gets updated.
If you mean why 12.0.1 hasn't surfaced on 'more' downloads, either they haven't yet located the appropriate roundtoit, or they don't bother cluttering that archive with dot dot releases...

I vote for dot dot reluctance.
KMT wrote:

If you mean why 12.0.1 hasn't surfaced on 'more' downloads

Yes that's exactly what I mean.

At my org we use fastlane and xcversion to ensure our developers are using the same version of Xcode and iOS Simulator as our CI pipeline. Our Jenkinsfile specifies the Xcode and simulator version, then when our CI machines and our developers use fastlane to build the app, the fastlane plugin xcversion makes sure that the correct xcode is installed (or the build fails). We also use this to manage our remote dependency build cache (for Carthage & SPM dependencies).

So if some of our developers want to use 12.0.1, and specify it in the Jenkinsfile, then the build will fail because 12.0.1 is not available on "more" downloads (since that is where fastlane downloads new Xcodes).

either they haven't yet located the appropriate roundtoit, or they don't bother cluttering that archive with dot dot releases...

I vote for dot dot reluctance.

Well, the "more" downloads page has every other dot-dot release in history available, like 11.4.1, 11.3.1, etc. all the way back to 2.4.1—and the presence of these is certainly not "clutter".

Seems the only bugfix in 12.0.1 was something about the documentation window crashing Xcode, which I never experienced with the 12.0 version that I downloaded from the "more" downloads page. Could it be that this bug was somehow specific to just the App Store version of Xcode?
Accepted Answer
Looks like Apple posted 12.0.1 to the "More" downloads page today. I guess there's just a delay (of about 5 days) between when Mac App Store gets updated, and when the "More" downloads page gets updated.
Why is Xcode 12.0.1 only available via Mac App Store?