Xccode 12 game Fullscreen

when i create a game with xcode 12 i have black bars on top and bottom on the phone or in the simulator,  scene.scaleMode = .aspectFill doesn't seem to work.

if you do the same in Xcode 11 then it works in full screen without problems.

is that a mistake or are there new settings for it.

if I start the project created with xcode 11 in xcode 12 then it is also in fullscrenn

Me too! This is sooo frustrating!
Select your project and under General->App icons and launch images->Launch Screen File = Main
Me 3 any answer?
Thanks to dr0n, your suggestion helped to solve this issue
Thanks dr0n solved my problem
Thanks dr0n!
Same problem! Selecting your project and under General->App icons and launch images->Launch Screen File = Main worked for me!
Xccode 12 game Fullscreen